Sunday, September 30, 2012

Crona's -WIP-

So these are the Crona keychains I announced a while back. I'm so slow, sorry. But anyway, as you can see I have painted their faces. There's two that have the sad face, and two that don't. Right now I have glazed them and they're drying.

As for the Rengar keychain (the feline looking thing if you don't know League of Legends), it's being glazed as well. This one is a prize donation.

Hopefully I'll be able to put the Crona's up for sale tomorrow or the day after. So keep an eye out if you're interested in purchasing them.

©Crona-Soul Eater
©Rengar-League Of Legends

Sunday, September 23, 2012

New Cases - WIP

A WiP of the newest cases I've been working on. I'm still not sure what design to put on the blue one. If you have any suggestions then please suggest ideas! The green one is going to be a prize donation in the Monsters Contest that the Popkes group is holding on Deviantart. Now for the last one. I want to keep that one a surprise until I'm done with it. But just so you know, the white stuff you see on it isn't dust or dandruff (lol), it's a shiny yarn that's infused with the black yarn. So it kinda glitters. :3

I'll be posting updates on the blue and green cases. Maybe updates on the black case as well.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Animal Suits -WIP-

A WIP picture of upcoming keychains. This is them in their raw version (haven't been cured yet). I was experimenting with different outfits and the way I made their arms and such. I think I like the way I did the legs on the dino guys better than the other ones. 

There's only going to be one purple bunny (which you can't see very well), two bears, and two dinos. There's a male and female for both the bear and the dino.

I need to paint the faces on and glaze them. Then they'll be up for sale at my shop. ^^