Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sewn Chaos Orianna and Sapplings

Available at my shop!

Sewn Chaos Orianna is my favorite skin, probably because of all the stitches and the crafty nature. I mean her ball is a pincushion for gods sake. Love it. <3

The sapplings are all so adorable. I never really noticed it before, so I decided to make them. I need to make the other two sapplings from the other two skins.

These were all fun to do.

©Orianna & Sapplings-League of Legends

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

All the Kinkys -Commission-

Finally finished the commission for defiantArt504 on DA. Man was this an exhausting journey. It was time consuming making so many of these, hahahaha. But I loved the journey. They're obviously not all the same but I tried to make them as similar to each other as possible. 

They are defiantArt504 character kinky, from their comic "Kinky & Carl E. Stranz."

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Vaporeon Tail -Commission-

A commission I received. I'm still a nub at sewing so I jumped at the chance to make this. It was good practice for me and I love the final result. Not to shabby if I do say so myself. I hope the commissioner likes it and hope it gets to them in time. v_v;

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Vaporeon Tail -WIP-

Wip picture of a commission I received. It's a Vaporeon tail for a cosplay. I don't have much sewing experience so when I was asked to do this, I jumped at the chance because I find sewing to be fun. Even if it gives me problems sometimes. But so far I really like how it's coming out! Just need to stuff it and close it up.

Guttling Head Pins

Available at my shop!

I really wanted to make some pins. So I was brainstorming on what to make and my Guttling was just staring at me from his place on the shelf, and it struck me. I should make Guttling head pins! They're cute and who wouldn't want these staring at your food with desire?

Be careful not to leave these pins alone in the presence of food though! Rumor has it that some clever Guttlings have installed little cameras in them for better food surveillance!


Friday, May 24, 2013

Glazing Tree

On my trip to NY, my sister handed my mom this jewelry tree because she didn't want it. I then asked for it because I saw that it was perfect for hanging drying keychains and such. It's my brand new glazing tree. I love it so much, I added those glass pebbles at the bottom to make it look nicer. But I really do like how the things look hanging off of it.

Sorry for lack of updates, I was visiting family in NY. But I'm back now.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Upcoming Items -WIP-

Items that are going to be in my shop soon. As soon as I glaze and add the other components to them. So be on the look out!

All the Kinkys -WIP-

I was asked to make 10 keychains of a persons oc which they have a comic about! I haven't read it myself but if you're curious then I can provide the link. It was quite a journey making these because I've never made so many of one thing before. As you can see, they don't all look exactly the same. I still have to get a steady hand for painting small details, my hand is still too shaky. Overall though, I love how they came out, they are all fairly uniform in size, except for the very first one I made. For some reason I went bigger with the 9 other ones. Blah.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Maokai Sapplings -WIP-

A WIP picture of the sapplings I made. I'll be making the Christmas one later, but right now this is about it.

I really like how they came out. :3
I need to paint a few areas on the middle and right ones, and then glaze all of them. Then they'll be up for sale at my shop. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

More octopus' on the way~

Replenishing some octopus' that have been sold. Need to add their tentacles and then they'll be good to go.

There are extra things that are being worked on as well, you can see them in the picture. Recognize them?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Kinky, Kinky everywhere! -WIP-

Another wip picture of the commission I received. The commissioner wanted 10 of these, so these are the other 9. I sat down and worked on them nonstop. It was a lot of work, but it was worthy it, to see so many at once, it's weird. Hahahahha.