Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Soul Collector -WIP 2-

More WIP pictures of this commission. It's harder than I thought it'd be but I'm still staying strong. I'll have it done by August 18, that's the deadline that has been set. Which is a good thing, because I tend to procrastinate. WOOT.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Portal Space Hoop

Available at my shop!

I thought this scene would make a nice piece to hang on your wall. I really liked the space core, he was silly. And Wheatley was my favorite character in Portal 2, so having them both in one place was fun. Made from fabric, felt, and a little embroidery.

 ©Space Core & Wheatley-Portal 2

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sheep Dog -Pictures-

Available at my shop!

Pictures of my Sheep Dog plush from different angles. I couldn't help it, that face just makes him so photogenic. Even if he looks like he doesn't enjoy all the pictures being taken.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Space Hoop-WIP 2

Another wip picture of my Space hoop. I've added the words, everything is stitched down and most of the detail is done. Now just need to finish the details and embroider a few more things. I'm actually quite happy with how it's coming out so far. 

Will be for sale once it's done.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Space Hoop -WIP-

I showed a WIP shot of this piece a while ago, but it sat in the corner for a long time unfinished. Now I've picked it up again and I'm loving how it's looking so far!

Wheatley is sewn down already, and the main body of the space core is sewn down as well. Now I just gotta go through the layers. then I need to embroider the words and embroider details onto the cores themselves. 

It'll be up for sale once I'm done with it. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Soul Collector-WIP

WIP of a commission of a Soul Collector, from the Inu Yasha series. So far it's going well, these are the pieces I have so far. I tried to give the legs more detail but that made it hard to turn them inside out and I really didn't want the seam to stick out too much.

I need to make more legs and then start adding detail to the fins and whatnot. This sucker is going to be 4 feet long.