Sunday, October 28, 2012

Teddy Roosebelt Ami's -WIP-

A WIP of two teddy amigurumi, you guessed it it's the Teddy Roosebelts again! Remember they're clay forms? Well in the beginning they were going to be amigurumi's instead of clay, but I went with clay because I felt it was easier for me. Now I have gone back to the amigurumi form and am nearly finished with them.

They are going to have removable hard hats, I'm going to add their knee pads, and I'm going to add their mouths. But once that's all done I'll have them up for sale at my shop~

Oh I forgot about their googles, I will be making them as well.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Animal Suits and Ragnarok Case Update.

Remember these guys? Well unfortunately they burned, well more specifically their faces burned (it was probably the clay I used, it couldn't handle the same temp as the other clay). I couldn't quite fix them so they were disposed of. But I'll be making more, and they'll probably be bigger than these were.

As for this guy, I didn't even announce him on this blog but I did on my (now converted) Shop Tumblr. Well either way, this was another Soul Eater based case. But I didn't like the way I attached his face. It was hard to sew it on, so I tried out the glue gun. Needless to say, I hate it so I won't be selling it. I learned my lesson there.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Get your chance at winning this! It's a prize donation for the Popkes group on DA, Monster Contest! Yup, just as the contest title says, all you have to do is make a monster! Be creative, make it scary, cute, bloody, it doesn't matter! As long as they are popkes, yarn dolls, string dolls, voodoo dolls, amigurumi, crochet, felt creations, plushies, or sock monkeys!

You must be a member in order to able to join the contest.

We only have a few entries so far, so your chances of winning are high! 

Width: 4 1/2"
Lenght: 6 1/2"

Note: I'll be making more of these to sell in the near future.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Monster Case Prize -WIP-

WIP picture of the prize I'm working on for the Monsters Contest  being hosted by the Popkes group on DeviantArt. So if you want a chance at winning this case then I suggest you participate! But if not, I'll be making more to sell.

Either way I really like how he's come out. I'm thinking of adding something on his chest area but I'm not quite sure what. I was thinking of adding a patch of fur. If you have any suggestions then leave me a comment!

I just need to finish the inside and then the final pics will be posted. Possibly tomorrow or the day after. :3

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Shadow Crona Keychains

Available at my shop!

I've made more shadow keychains, although this time they're all Crona's! (Did I ever mention that I love his char, even if he is a bit psycho). There's two different types of Crona's, a sad Crona and a meh Crona. They also vary in sizes, and there's only 1 of each, so get them while they're here.

They are made from clay, hand painted, and glazed.
©Crona-Soul Eater