Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Animal Suits and Ragnarok Case Update.

Remember these guys? Well unfortunately they burned, well more specifically their faces burned (it was probably the clay I used, it couldn't handle the same temp as the other clay). I couldn't quite fix them so they were disposed of. But I'll be making more, and they'll probably be bigger than these were.

As for this guy, I didn't even announce him on this blog but I did on my (now converted) Shop Tumblr. Well either way, this was another Soul Eater based case. But I didn't like the way I attached his face. It was hard to sew it on, so I tried out the glue gun. Needless to say, I hate it so I won't be selling it. I learned my lesson there.


  1. I'm sure those thing will be a huge hit with the youngsters these days. Keychains are popular and the characters are popular, there's no way that people wouldn't want these things.

    1. I'm not sure, they might be. XD
      The animal suits ones weren't any existing characters from anything. I just thought they'd look cute.

      As for the Ragnarok Case....I'm not sure how popular Soul Eater is.

      Thank you for your nice comments though! You're the first one! <3
