Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I'm taking a Printmaking class this semester. So for the first assignment we got a little linoleum piece with the freedom to carve anything we wanted. I wasn't quite sure what to carve, but my teacher seemed to like the Guttling piece from my sketches.

The picture above is the finished piece. I like how it came out, even though some of the edges are rough and I probably need to carve some lines deeper. But I won't know until I ink it on Monday, can't wait to see how it comes out. 

This isn't my first time working with linoleum, so I'm no stranger to this. I actually saw some stamps that people have made on Deviantart, and I was thinking of making some of my own to sell. I already have a nice little idea for the month of love. I'm not sure if I'll get to finish it before February, but hopefully Ill be able to finish it before February ends. 

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