Friday, December 7, 2012

Guttlings + More

I just keep piling projects on my plate on top of each other. Which then results in things being left on the backburner *coughamigurumiteddyscough*. Regardless, I've been working on something new and exciting during that time. 

I couldn't hold back any longer, I needed to try my hand at making plushes. I see the remarkable things people make and I want to make my creations come to life like that. I've always wanted to make plushes, but I just couldn't get motivated enough. Well now I am, and the first ones I'm going to dish out are Guttlings. That's the name I have decided upon and I hope you enjoy them. 

So far I have really enjoyed making this little guy. The top picture is his body and head. I had to re-stitch his mouth because it was crooked and was bothering the hell out of me. I also re-made his legs and horns because the other ones were too small for his body, it didn't look right. I also decided to add in the white nails that were originally in the concept sketch. I wasn't going to but decided it'd look better.

Now I'm deciding on whether I should wait for the plastic safety eyes, or just use the ones I've made (the little black dots you see there in the picture). Once I do decide though, everything will be put together and I'll see if the pattern I made the first time around is good enough to keep using for the rest of the Guttlings.

That's not all though, I've ordered quite a lot of fabric because I have other plush ideas that I'm going to bring to life. So wish me luck on this journey of sewing and occasionally stabbing my finger with a needle by accident. 

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